Systems metrics conventions
This document defines conventions that we've determined for Panoptes. This formalizes the approach to normalizing the varied returns from different devices into a single set of enriched metrics. We recommend the following structures to maintain consistency.
Data Classes
Metrics come in two flavors, counters and gauges. Counters will increment to a specific number then 'roll-over' back to zero. Gauges are an instantaneous feedback of a value.
Enrichments/Dimensions are strings applied to provide context to a metric. For example the CPU name and/or number along with the utilization metric.
is a string, but we make specific recommendations in this document to maintain consistency.
The CPU utilization should be for each CPU independently and is defined as mean CPU utilization over the polling interval, reported as percentage with two significant decimal places. The reason for this is to avoid the 'noisy' nature of instantaneous values.
Some devices report both the average and instantaneous utilization. In these cases, the value for the average over the polling interval should be reported.
Some devices report a load average in addition to CPU utilization. This value should not be reported.
Some devices mislabel load average as CPU utilization and vice-versa. The value to be reported should be done after careful inspection and determination of which is the actual CPU utilization.
The CPU should be classified as
.CPUs should either report a
or both.
- metrics_group_type: cpu
- Metrics:
- cpu_utilization:<GAUGE>
- Dimensions
- cpu_type:<string> (control, data, etc.)
- cpu_no:<string> and/or
- cpu_name:<string>
Memory is always normalized to bytes. 'Total' memory should always be the amount of physical memory, and this should be split where necessary into DRAM or Heap.
Total (physical memory) and utilized memory in bytes. Downstream systems would calculate percentage utilization.
Total (physical memory)/utilized would be reported for each type of memory - e.g. dram or heap.
If the memory metrics are reported by the device in kilobytes and megabytes (or some other unit), they should be normalized to bytes.
- metrics_group_type: memory
- Metrics:
- memory_total:<GAUGE>
- memory_used:<GAUGE>
- Dimensions
- memory_type:<string> (heap, dram, etc.)
Environment is currently limited to Power Supplies and Fans.
Total number of fans and working fans.
Total number of power supplies and working power supplies. Note that some devices will return a power supply as 'working' without it being energized.
- metrics_group_type: environment
- Metrics:
- fans_total:<GAUGE>
- fans_ok:<GAUGE>
- power_units_total:<GAUGE>
- power_units_on:<GAUGE>
Temperature should be normalized to Fahrenheit for each sensor available.
- metrics_group_type: temperature
- Metrics:
- temperature_fahrenheit:<GAUGE>
- Dimensions:
- sensor:<string>
The possible values for polling_status
are enumerated in DEVICE_METRICS_STATES. Effectively an integer is returned
according to the states.
- (0) Success
- (1) Authentication Failure
- (2) Network Failure
- (3) Timeout
- (4) Partial Metric Failure
- (5) Internal Failure
- (6) Missing Metrics
- (7) Ping Failure
- metrics_group_type: status
- Metrics:
- polling_status:<GAUGE>
A more complete exploration follows in Device Polling Status & Plugin Execution Flow.
Device Polling Status
The possible values for polling_status
are enumerated in DEVICE_METRICS_STATES. Effectively an integer is returned
according to the states.
(0) Success
All metrics for the device have been collected and the collection cycle is complete.
(1) Authentication Failure
One or more metrics failed to be collected due to an API or SNMP authentication failure.
(2) Network Failure
One or more metrics failed to be collected due to an API or SNMP connection failure.
(3) Timeout
The attempt to connect to the device timed out. Checking ACLs and connection to the device will usually help here. This is also raised under snmp v2c when the community strings are incorrect.
(4) Partial Metric Failure
At least one metric collection attempt was successful, but at least one other attempt failed.
(5) Internal Failure
Metric collection failed due to a problem with the collection code. These are usually unusual exception states that indicate a problem with the plugin code.
(6) Missing Metrics
The metric collection code executed without error, but the results were empty.
(7) Ping Failure
Attempting to ping the device yielded either a PanoptesPingException, or resulted in total packet loss (i.e. a packet
loss pct of 100%). Note that this requires a PanoptesPollingStatus ping
set to True.
Plugin Execution Flow
The flow of the different states can be difficult to visualize - this documents basic flow;
(End states are indicated in light blue.)
At any point during the plugin execution an Internal Failure(5) can arise, and is therefore not shown on this flow.
At the start of execution, a connection attempt is made. Here we differentiate between a Timeout(3) (failure to respond within an amount of time) and a Network Failure(2) (url error, refused connection or a deterministic failure state).
If the ping
argument to PanoptesPollingStatus is set to True and a Timeout(3) or Network Failure(2)
occurred, we ping the endpoint. If this succeeds, the initial failure state of Timeout(3) or Network Failure(2)
is preserved. If the ping fails, then Ping Failure(7) is returned.
if the first metric and all subsequent metrics are returned, a Success(0) is recorded. If the first metric is collected, and all subsequent metrics fail, then Partial Metric Failure(4) is returned. If all metric collections fail, Missing Metrics(6) is returned.