Horizontal Scaling
Horizontal Scaling
Built for scale from the ground up. Distributed task-scheduling with Celery. High frequency collection of metrics, low frequency collection of enrichments.
Plugin Architecture
Plugin Architecture
Any subsystem can be extended with Python code using well-defined interfaces.
Open Source
Open Source
Apache 2.0 Licensing. Take it, use it, extend it. We're contributing plugins, and we're encouraging others to do the same.
Panoptes System Architecture
Panoptes System Architecture
Panoptes is built with a plugin architecture over well-tested base technologies

Try it Out
Try it Out
Give it a try jammed into a tiny Docker container. We're breaking all the rules here.
git clone https://github.com/yahoo/panoptes_docker.git && cd panoptes_docker && docker build . -t panoptes_docker
Fire that bad boy up with:
docker run -d --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=511 --name="panoptes_docker" --shm-size=2G -p panoptes_docker
Then fire up a browser, point at and check your results in Grafana (admin/admin).
Read more about this at the Panoptes Docker repo.